Are You Ready to Switch Over to Power Diary?

Switch to Power Diary smoothly with our free support and data import service. Learn about the setup steps and make the most of your new client management software.

We are excited that you chose Power Diary to be your new client management software and we would like to help you make the transition as smooth as possible with our free support and data import service. We'll help you through - every step of the way.

While Power Diary enables you to start using it from day one, some setup needs to be made to customize your account to your specific business needs. 

In this article:

Do I Need To Set Up Power Diary If I Have My Data Imported?

As a one-off free complimentary service to our new customers, we can assist with importing your data, whether it be from another system, or perhaps a spreadsheet containing client records. However, as there are some things that may not be included in the import, you might need to set up some of them in your Power Diary account. We provide an exhaustive list of the areas that may need to require manual setup, for your reference:


If you practice in Australia and provide services covered by Australian Medicare, you will need to apply for the software Location/Minor ID and register for bulk billing and DVA, if applicable, to be able to process claims via our direct integration with Medicare. Click here for the instructions. 

  • Client portal. The portal for clients to book their appointments and process payments. Read more on setting up the client portal here.
  • Custom Lists. In Settings > Custom Lists, you will find all the customisable categories to help you tailor your account to your business needs. 
  • Automations via Settings > Configuration > Automations, for managing unpaid invoices and client post appointment and recalls communication. 

Hint 💡

  • Please look through the 'Moving To Power Diary'
  • collection of articles that cover the specifics of importing from various client management systems:  
  • If we do not have an article specifically addressing the system that you are migrating from, this article would be the one that you should refer to.
  • It may be so that the system you are moving from is new to us, but we will be happy to perform an initial analysis of your data to understand what can and can’t be imported. We will only need you to provide us with an interim dataset for assessment.

When Should I Start Using ONLY Power Diary For My Clients' Management?

Once you have exported your final dataset from your previous client management software, we strongly recommend that you start using your Power Diary account, so that there is no gap between your data entries. If you need to add client profiles to Power Diary for making bookings and creating session notes while waiting for the data to be imported, do so. When the data import is complete, you will be able to merge any duplicate profiles easily, which will result in all relevant data entries merged into one single profile. 

Do I Need To Set Up Power Diary If I Do Not Import Any Data?

You can use Power Diary from day one to create clients, appointments, invoices, send reminders and online forms, write session notes, and more. As every business is different, it is necessary that you set up your Power Diary account tailoring it to your organization's needs and employees. The advice offered in the first section of this article and in the Practice Setup and Training Guides are a great resource to assist with setting up and making sure you have not missed out on anything really important.


We are keen to assist with your practice setup!💡

  • Or, you are always welcome to Schedule a One-on-One Call
  • You may also be interested in “Power Talks” Practice Management Webinars:
    All of our past and upcoming “how-to” and practice management-focused webinars are in one place