Get Your Practice Ready For The New Year

Prepare your health practice for the holidays and new year with Power Diary. Update client info, manage finances, plan availability, and engage with clients and referrers for a smooth transition.

The holiday season is not just a time for celebrations but also a crucial period for health practices to organize and prepare for year-end closing. Utilizing client management software such as Power Diary effectively during this time can be a game-changer. This article will suggest some steps to help you to get your health practice holiday-ready and set the stage for a successful new year.

In this article:

Review and Update Client Information for the Holiday Season and New Year

Ensure your client records are holiday-ready. Update all client information in your client management software, including contact details, insurance information, and appointment schedules. Accurate and updated records are especially important during the busy holiday season. These handy Power Diary tools will support you in this process: 
  • Use client forms with linked profile fields to collect updated client details that will automatically populate in their client profiles and ensure you have the most accurate client personal, contact and insurance details for the new year ahead.
  • The Power Diary Referral Expiry report will help you identify clients whose referrals are set to expire early in the new year, so that you could advise the clients that they need to renew their referrals not to miss out on their sessions. 
  • Remind your clients of any unused sessions available to them:
    when your clients have a specified number of approved sessions, allotted treatment hours, or a set budget for the year, Power Diary's session pack feature is an excellent way to keep track of their usage. It helps you monitor how much of their sessions, time, or budget they've utilized.
    Use the Pack Expiry system report to view a summary of all session packs in your account, making it easier to identify clients who are nearing the end of their approvals. This provides a perfect opportunity to notify your clients about any unused sessions, hours, or budget, encouraging them to schedule appointments. Doing so ensures they fully benefit from the resources available to them.
  • Run a report of any unallocated payments (in the Sales > Payments section of the main menu) and reach out to the clients who may have paid for their services upfront and remind them to book. 

Financial Reconciliation: A Holiday Must-Do

  • Run the Accounts Receivables and Aged Receivables to identify the outstanding payments that need to be collected.
  • If you use accounting software, such as Xero, Quickbooks, MYOB, etc, make sure that all your invoices and payments are reconciled there. Power Diary and Xero integration allows seamless export and reconciliation at the time that is convenient to you. 

New Year Planning with a Holiday Twist: Availability, Rates and Business Performance

Post-holiday planning is a healthy way to prepare for the new year. 

Nurture Professional Relationships With Top Referrers

As the year draws to a close and the festive cheer of the holiday season envelops us, it's a time of reflection and gratitude. For allied health practices, this period offers a unique opportunity to acknowledge those who have significantly contributed to their growth and success – their best-performing referrers.

  • Power Diary New Clients report can help you find out the referrers who trusted your practice with more new clients this year. 
  • Power Diary Recent Referrals report is at your service when you need to see how many referrals each referrer made this year, and the total amount billed based on their referrals.

Holiday Communications with Clients and Referrers

Engage with your clients and referrers during the holidays. Use Power Diary to send festive greetings, health tips, or your year-end updates. Personalized communication can enhance client relationships and keep your practice top-of-mind.
  • Power Diary communications templates help you to create elaborate and attractive emails and letters to be shared with your clients and referrers. 
  • Use Power Diary Bulk Send feature when you need to send your holiday emails to groups of clients and referrers based on their status, type, demographics, preferred practitioners and other criteria. 
  • If you are for even more automation and elaborate templates, use Power Diary integration with Mailchimp - a marketing automation and email marketing platform.

Compliance and Operations Manual Review: A Holiday Routine

The end of the year is a great time to review compliance policies. 
  • Ensure your practice is up-to-date with current health regulations and laws, maintaining the trust and safety of your clients.
  • Review your practice's policies and procedures. We hope that you already have been using Power Diary's Practice Manual, so reviewing and updating your internal documentation will be a breeze. Otherwise, it is great time to put the Practice Manual on your to-do list. 

Reflect on the Year and Set Holiday-Inspired Standards For Your Staff

  • Attendance Rates
  • Aged Receivables
  • Treatment Progress
  • Client Satisfaction
  • Referral Revenue
  • Client Retention Rate
Make the most of this holiday season by preparing your practice for year-end success. Follow these steps, update your processes, and leverage your client management software for a seamless transition into the new year. Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year to you and your practice!