Moving from Coreplus to Power Diary

Move from Coreplus to Power Diary effortlessly with our complimentary data import service. Read our detailed guide for steps and important notes.

We can import your data from Coreplus into your Power Diary account! 

Practices are frequently moving from Coreplus to Power Diary. To find out why and learn how the two compare check out our Power Diary vs Coreplus Comparison Article.

  • We have invested in developing a streamlined process for importing Coreplus Data, which allows our Team to prepare your data for import in a more efficient and timeous manner. 
  • We want to make your move from Coreplus as seamless and pain-free as possible. Once you have made the decision to move over to Power Diary, we are able to assist with importing data into your Power Diary account as a once-off complimentary service. There are no charges associated with the import. 
  • If your migration to Power Diary is time sensitive, please contact us to discuss the option of booking your import in with our Team, to ensure that it gets the priority that it needs.

This article covers:

Additional information:

Please click on these links to access additional important/relevant information to your data import, and getting ready to switch over to using Power Diary.

    Important: Please read through the above articles as they contain information generic to  all data imports/migrations, but not included in this Coreplus-specific article.  If you have any questions that aren't answered in any of these articles, we encourage you to contact us. 

    We can import the following Coreplus data:

    based on previous Coreplus imports conducted by our Team, we can import:

    • Clients
    • Appointments
    • Client Contacts
    • Referrers (* pls see important notes)
    • Referrals
    • Products and Services
    • Invoices & Payments
    • Notes (These are received in HTML format and will be imported to Records > Files, and tagged as "Notes" so that they can be located easily)
    • Client files/documents

    * If there is any other data that is of particular importance to you, to have imported, and has not been mentioned in the above list, please let us know, and our Team can check your data to try to locate that data and ascertain if it is viable for import.

    Exporting your data from Coreplus

    If you are unsure how to export your data from Coreplus, please reach out directly to their support team as they would be best placed to assist you with this.

    A Customer migrating from CorePlus to Power Diary will typically provide the following files:

    1. clientDetails.txt
    2. familyDetails.txt
    3. insurerDetails.txt
    4. Referrals.txt
    5. referrers.txt
    6. serviceTypes.txt
    7. appointments.txt
    8. invoices.txt
    9. invoice_billing_items.txt
    10. Payments.txt
    11. injuryIllnesses.txt
    12. medicationDetails.txt
    13. treaterDetails.txt
    14. Notes
    15. Files / Documents

    Important Notes

        • Please ensure that the data has been unlocked with the password provided by Coreplus before submitting it for import. If not, please email us to supply the password for unlocking the zip file.
        • There is no duration included for the services so this information will be extracted from the name/description of the service as best we can, however, you may need to review the services after import to correct any durations (via Setup → Services).
        • Referrers / Referrals:  The Referrer data provided does not provide a Referrer ID within the Referrer Data (unique ID), and as such, Referrals can only be matched to Referrers by name.  This carries the risk of Referrals being matched to the wrong Referrer / Provider number which in turn can affect your claims.   We strongly recommend that you contact Coreplus directly to request a specific export of your Referrer Data which includes the Referrer ID.  Ideally, this separate data file should be provided to us together with your full Coreplus Export so that the correct Referrer be matched to each Referral at the time of your data migration.
        • HTML Session Notes will be imported to Records → Files with a tag of "Notes". This allows retention of the original formatting and appearance of the session note. *The Note date = the File date
        • There is no link provided between the appointments and invoices. Coreplus don’t provide a foreign key to link Invoices and Appointments.  Invoices and Appointments can be imported respectively, but unfortunately cannot be linked
        • There are no invoice items provided in the export from Coreplus. We try our best to extract the invoice item from the invoice notes, however, in cases where the item is not recorded, we will default the invoice item name to 'Item' (the invoice item is the name of the service or product that is being charged for on the invoice).
        • Some clients and invoices do not have a practitioner listed which is a default field for importing this data. In these cases, we will default the practitioner to the default practitioner in the account (this is the first practitioner created in the account that is still active).
        • The invoice number from Coreplus does not meet our requirements for invoice numbers as it includes a non-numerical character. As such, the invoice number for imported invoices will be different in Power Diary to what it was in Coreplus. The numbering will be sequential based on the last invoice number in your Power Diary account at the time of import (set in Setup > Configuration > Invoices > "Last Invoice Number".)
        • Some payments do not have a payment method listed, therefore we will default a payment method of 'Paid' as this is a required field for importing.
        • In addition to the learnings we have shared here, we do recommend that you read all generic important notes relevant to importing your data, as documented here as there are learnings and important information relevant to your data import that you need to be aware of. 

      If you have any questions, please contact us at

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