General Importing Guidelines

Seamlessly transition to Power Diary with our comprehensive data import service. Learn how to migrate your data efficiently and minimize downtime.

Transitioning to Power Diary Made Easy

Are you ready to make the switch to Power Diary? Congratulations on taking this crucial step toward operational efficiency! We understand the importance of this transition, and our mission is to ensure it's as seamless and stress-free as possible.

At Power Diary, our dedicated Data Import Team is here to support you through the process of migrating your data. Whether you're transitioning from another system or bringing in data from a spreadsheet filled with client records, our primary objective is to help you minimise downtime, enhance data quality, and address any potential gaps during the migration process. Our approach is collaborative, aiming to create a tailored plan that aligns with your needs.

 This article aims to provide you with essential information about importing your data into your new Power Diary Account. Whether you're transitioning from a system or spreadsheet, the insights shared here are relevant to all data imports and migrations.

      • Initiate the conversation: To initiate this process or even just a conversation regarding migrating your data, please complete the Data Import Contact Form which is accessible directly in your new Power Diary Account in the menu item: Settings > Data Import or alternatively simply reach out to us at We're excited to understand your requirements and get your migration underway.  
      • Complimentary Data Import Service: As part of our commitment to you, we're pleased to offer a complimentary, one-time data import service. This service incurs no charges. Moreover, we're flexible and prepared to handle specific cases, such as when a new practitioner joins your clinic and needs to integrate data from another system.   If your migration to Power Diary is time sensitive, please contact us at to discuss the option of booking your import in with our Team, to ensure that it gets the priority that it needs.
      • Diverse System Support: Wondering if we can handle data from your current system? The answer is yes! Regardless of whether we've worked with your system before, we're equipped to import your data as long as you provide it in a format our Data Migration Team can work with,  as discussed here
      • Pre-import Analysis: if you're using a system that is unfamiliar to us, we're happy to conduct an initial analysis of your data. Simply share an interim dataset with us, and let us know any import preferences or specific requirements you may have. We'll then evaluate feasibility, estimated timelines, and identify / assess any complexities to make the migration process even smoother.  This pre-import analysis is available irrespective of whether you have as yet decided to transition to Power Diary or not. Even if your decision is pending, our data analysis can provide valuable insights to aid your decision.
      • System-Specific Resources: If you're migrating from another system, we've got you covered. Check the 'Moving To Power Diary' knowledge base categoryto find out if we've documented information specific to your current system. These articles provide detailed insights into your particular system, covering aspects such as:
        • What we can import
        • How to extract data from your current system
        • Essential learnings from previous migrations

ℹ️  This article holds valuable insights for everyone, from those moving from another system to those sending us spreadsheet data. Let's ensure your data transition is a success! 

⚠️ If you're looking to import data from another Power Diary Account, this is a different process. We've crafted a separate Helpdesk article outlining the distinct process - 
Please click here


This article covers:

Importing your Data

      • If you are migrating from another system, please let us know which system you have extracted the data from.  This will assist our Data Import Team when analysing and preparing your data for import.
      • If your migration to Power Diary is time sensitive, please contact us at to explore the option of booking your import to align with your migration plan. We strive to prioritise your needs in such cases.

When can I get my data imported?

We can import your Data once you have made the decision to migrate to Power Diary. 

Still considering making the switch?  If you still evaluating whether Power Diary suits your business needs, please utilise the 14-day free Trial Period to assess our platform.  During this time, manually input test data for a subset of clients to gauge compatibility. To continue beyond the trial, you'll need to convert your account. Click here to learn how.

Focused Data Import Service: Our Data Import Service is exclusively available to customers committed to migrating to Power Diary.Taking this approach enables us to take the time to understand and work with complex data and get a better outcome for customers transitioning systems.   

Tips for smaller datasets:  If you have fewer than around 50 clients and minimal linked data, manually inputting your data will be quicker than waiting for an import.  Our Data Import Team often has a queue of imports, so inputting data yourself could expedite the process.

What we can import

Depending on the format and the content of the data provided, we can typically import the following into your account:

        • Client details
        • Client tasks (upcoming notifications)
        • Appointments (client, personal, and group)
        • Clinical and Admin Notes
        • Services
        • Products
        • Referrers
        • Referrals
        • Contacts
        • Third Parties (Billers)
        • Communications (SMS, letter, and email)
        • Documents/Files (see requirements here)
        • Financial Information (in some circumstances - see FAQ here for more detail);

Anything of particular importance? If there is anything specific in your source data / previous system that holds significant importance for you to bring across with you, whether mentioned in the list above or not, please don't hesitate to inform us. Our team can then examine your data and determine whether we can locate and successfully import that particular data / entity.

What format does my data need to be in?

The Data

        • We can work with Excel (XLS or XLSX), CSV, TXT, or XML formats. We can also accept database backups in BAK, SQL, or MS Access format. 

          Your data must be structured in a table-like format. Each column should have a header indicating the type of data it contains. Entries should span one row each. If your data doesn't adhere to this structure, it may not be suitable for import. **please zip / compress your data before sharing with us

        • We can't work with the following formats: HTML files (aside from Clinical notes), iCal appointment files, Word, PDF, or image formats, nor in formats where the patient records are provided as one record per file, due to technical constraints.       

Files/Documents and HTML Notes

        • Files/documents that need to be imported to client profiles should ideally be organised in client-centric folders, each labelled with a unique ID linked to the respective client.  These can be in various formats, such as PDF or MSWord
        • Notes: If your system exports Clinical Notes in HTML format, we can work with them.

⚠️ Understanding the difference between data and files/notes: Data forms the core information for your practice, including client details, appointments, and financial data. Files/notes are supplementary materials like documents and specific notes. While data has specific formats for import, files/notes have different requirements. Our Data Import Team is available to help you navigate these distinctions and ensure a seamless transition to Power Diary

Different Data Format? If your data is in a format other than those mentioned above, please contact our Data Import Team (email:  They can help assess whether your data is viable for import into your Power Diary Account.

When should I switch over to using Power Diary?

To ensure a smooth shift to Power Diary, here's what we recommend:  

      1. Plan ahead: before importing your data, set up your Power Diary Account and make sure your team is ready to use it.
      2. Switch to Power Diary: once your final data is extracted from your previous system and shared with us for import, shift exclusively to Power Diary and cease using actively your previous system, (**we do recommend that you retain access to your previous system until your data import is fully complete and to your requirements)

Whilst Data import is crucial to your migration, there are additional Setup tasks required for your Power Diary account. To ensure a smooth, transition, and swift adoption, we've curated a valuable suite of Helpdesk Articles here. This collection covers fundamental account set up, advanced guides for a deeper look into the available functionality, as well as modules to assist to efficiently train your admin/reception, staff and practitioners. Get ready to maximise your business efficiency right from the start.

Got questions or need guidance with account set up and training? Our Customer Success Team is at your service. Reach out via Live chat, email or alternatively book a personalised call or Zoom meeting.  

How do I share my data with Power Diary?

To share data for import, simply:

    • Login to your Power Diary account and navigate to the main menu. From there, go to Settings > Data Import, and upload files you want to import.
    • For multiple files, please zip them before uploading.  This will ensure that your files are securely packaged, everything comes through to us, and ease of management.
    • In case of any upload issues, zip your data and try again.  Some file types will need to be zipped before uploading. 
    • Keep the upload page open until complete.  You can open Power Diary in another tab whilst the upload is in progress.

Please note the following limits:

      • Maximum 50GB per file  *if your zip file/s exceed this limit, please split them prior to uploading.  For guidance on how to do this, click here
      • Maximum 100GB for all files
      • Maximum 20 files

If you encounter issues or exceed these limits, reach out to us at for assistance  (if you’re already liaising with us regarding your Data Migration, please reply in the relevant email thread).

⚠️ Before sharing your data, ensure it's unlocked. If not, email the Data Import Team the password at to prevent delays.

ℹ️ If you're unsure of how to export your data from your current system, we recommend that you reach out to their support team, and they can provide guidance on how to export the data yourself, or they may export the data for you. 



    How long will the import take?

    The import duration varies based on data complexity and formatting needs for database integration. A straightforward client import may take a few hours, whilst we usually estimate 1-2 working days as a general rule of thumb. More intricate data needing formatting might extend the timeline, with updates from our Data Import Specialists.  

    Expect Files and for some source systems, Notes (when provided in HTML or document format) to be imported, on average within a week or two after your data has been imported. This takes longer as the process is more manual and time consuming.   


    To ensure accurate data matching during migration, it's crucial that the practitioner names you create in Power Diary match those from your current system.

    If you wish to change these names, it's recommended to do so after data migration is complete. Any practitioners not set up in Power Diary during migration will be added and marked as inactive, allowing their relevant data to be transferred. You can activate a practitioner at any time; learn how here.

    By default, we import data for all practitioners provided by you. If you prefer to exclude specific practitioners or their data from migration, please inform us.

    Transitioning between systems

    Once your final data is extracted and sent to us for import, we recommend exclusively using Power Diary going forward. Any changes or information added after exporting data from your current system won't be included in the import.

    During the import process, feel free to add new clients, appointments, notes, invoices, payments, etc., directly to your Power Diary Account. This ensures your business operates smoothly while we work on the import. ‼️ Note that data you add, which was already present in your old system, might result in duplicates. You can merge client profiles as needed, following the completion of the import.

    Please provide all necessary data at the import's start, as we don't perform supplemental imports or add new data post-initial import.

    It's advisable to retain access to your old system temporarily, allowing reference until your migration to Power Diary is fully completed to your expectations. This ensures continuity for your business during the migration process.

    Do not merge duplicate client profiles until the import is fully complete, including document/note imports. Merging prematurely may result in missing documents/data in the merged profile.

    Post-import support and Data retention

    If you have any data import questions after your import has been completed, please let us know. We're here to help. If there's something specific you need us to look into, providing details and screenshots will assist us in addressing your concerns effectively.

    We hope that everything comes across as expected.  Please let us know if you do have any queries.  If there is anything you need us to look at / investigate post-import, it would be very helpful if you could provide some specific examples, (screenshots are always useful) so that our Team can investigate further. 

    ℹ️  Your source data will be retained for 60 days after the import is complete, at which point it will be permanently deleted. This allows time for any follow-up queries. We also recommend that you don't edit/ change/ merge the imported data until you're satisfied with the import outcome. This may complicate or hinder our ability to address any post-import inquiries or issues you raise with our team.

    Additional information:

        • Switching to Power Diary, (includes articles addressing importing data from various Source Systems): click here
        • Importing your data - FAQ: click here
        • Are you ready to switch over to Power Diary? click here
        • Setting up your Account and Training Users: click here
        • Post Import Checklist: click here


    Important Notes

        • Please share all data up frontAll data must be provided to us together at the start of the import as we do not perform supplemental imports or add new data once the initial import is completed.
        • What we can import may vary on an individual basis. Should there be any questions or anything that needs to be clarified, the Data Import Team will be in contact to discuss this with you. Please let us know upfront whether there is anything of particular importance to you, to have imported.
        • Any fields that are not compatible with a specific field in the client profile are added to the Additional Comments section of the profile.
        • Archived or Deceased Clients:  Clients marked as archived or deceased will be archived by default. Learn more about archiving client profiles here.  
        • Document uploads:  Client documents will be uploaded into the relevant client profiles, and can be located under Records → Files). 
        • Appointment linkageAppointments must clearly link to clients for successful import. This typically requires a unique client ID or full name. Otherwise, data will be imported as personal appointments.
        • Recurring appointment links are not maintained in the import currently, there is no way for recurring appointments to be imported as recurring, whether the links are in your source, data or not.   Appointments in a recurring series will instead be imported as individual appointments.  Should you require assistance maintaining these recurring appointments post-import, please reach out to our Support Team at
        • Appointment Reminders, ensuring automated notifications:  Imported clients and appointments will not have auto-reminders configured. If you wish to activate auto-reminders for upcoming appointments, follow these steps:
          • Navigate to the Settings menu via Settings → Configuration → Reminders → Switch off 'Automatically send appointment reminders to clients' → Save Changes → Switch the setting back on → Save Changes → Click 'Yes' on the confirmation prompt to apply the change to all existing clients. 
          • This will update all existing and imported clients with these reminder settings, as well as ensure that future appointments will receive an automated reminder. 
          • Read more about Configuring Appointment Reminders here
          •  *If you have customised reminders for existing clients, please be aware that this action will reset them to the default reminder. In such cases, you may need to manually adjust the reminder settings for each imported client, or, if not practicable to do so manually, please reach out to us at for assistance with this.
        • Appointment Flags: If your data includes appointment flags that don't correspond to existing flags set up in your account, the Data Import team will create the required Appointment Flags.  These flags will have their colour set to white. To personalise the colour of these flags, follow the steps:
          • Access the main menu and go to Settings > Custom Lists > Appointment Flags
          • Edit the colour settings for your Appointment Flags
          • For more in-depth information on Appointment Flags, refer to our dedicated resource here
        • Clinical Notes: Notes will be imported as follows:
          • HTML Format: If your source data includes notes in HTML format, they will be imported into the Records > Files section of relevant client profiles. These notes will be tagged as "Notes" and as such can be found easily.  In these instances, the HTML format allows the notes to be viewed as a replica of what they were in your previous system.
          • PDF / Document Format: will be imported to the Records > Files area of each relevant client profile, and tagged as "Notes" to enable them to be found easily
          • Text / Json / other text-based formats: for notes presented in these or similar formats within your source data, our team will make every effort to sanitise and enhance their readability during import.  These notes will be imported to the Records > Notes area of each relevant client profile. * In the event that our team encounters challenges while transforming notes into a legible format, we will reach out to you for discussion. Please be aware that after import, any adjustments to these notes will require complete removal, remediation, and re-importing. This procedure is in line with our commitment to data security and privacy, as your notes are encrypted in our database.
        • Session Packs and related data: Session packs and instances thereof cannot currently be imported.  Use our related helpdesk article to manually input this data: Session Packs
        • Waitlists: cannot currently be imported.  Use our related helpdesk article to manually input this data: Adding And Managing Clients In your Waitlist
        • Preservation of Invoice Numbers:  If invoices have been provided for import we may be able to preserve the invoice number from your old system. 
          • The invoice number must be specified in the data provided to us, and must meet our requirements (a unique number with no characters).
          • If the numbering does not meet our requirements then the invoice number will be numbered sequentially based on the last invoice number generated in your PD account. 
          • The last invoice number can be set in Settings > Configuration > Invoices > "Last Invoice Number". Please ensure that this number matches the last invoice number generated in your previous system to avoid any duplicate invoice numbers being generated in your account as this will impact the import of invoice numbers. 
          • The next invoice you create in your PD account will then be numbered sequentially (i.e. if your last invoice number is 1000, the next invoice number generated in PD will be 1001). If there is a clash between the invoice numbers in the data from your old system and the invoices created in your PD account the Data Import team will be in contact to ask your preference of either changing the invoice numbers in the data we import or changing the invoice numbers in your PD account to be unique.  

    If you have any questions, please contact us at

    Don't have a Power Diary account? No problem! Get started with a 14-day free trial