User Permissions For Practitioners

Set user permissions for new practitioners in Power Diary. Customize access from limited to full, ensuring they have the necessary permissions to perform their tasks effectively.

Taking a new practitioner on board, and not sure what user permissions you'd need to provide to them? This article suggests the most common combinations of user permissions that can be set up for a practitioner, from the most limited option to the option with full access. As the included Levels of access are a suggestion, feel free to pick and choose between the permissions.


First of all, make sure that their User profile is linked with their Default Practitioner:

In this article:


Who is the Default Client for the user? If you navigate to this Client's Profile  Admin  Manage, the user's Practitioner should be selected as the Preferred Practitioner, or this user is selected in the Users With Access field.  

Level 1 - All User Permissions Disabled

When all permissions are disabled, the user is able to:

  • view their Practitioner's calendar, without the ability to create and make changes to appointments
  • use the Calendar Toolbar
  • use the Notepad
  • read their Default Clients' SMS on the Text Messaging Panel, and send SMS
  • have access to the Help menu

Level 2 - Only People Menu Enabled

When only the People Menu permission is allowed, the user is able to:

  • view their Practitioner's calendar, without the ability to create and make changes to appointments
  • use the Calendar Toolbar
  • use the Notepad
  • have access to the Text Messaging Panel to read and send SMS to their Default Clients
  • set manual Tasks for their Default Clients
  • have access to the Tasks bar and see and action the Tasks that are assigned to them or to Anyone
  • have limited access to  the People menu, with the ability to     
    a) create and search for individual Clients, Referrers, Contacts, and Third Parties; without the ability to use Advanced Search filter and generate client lists     
    b) use the Waitlist feature to add new and existing clients but without the ability to send SMS to the waitlist clients.
  • have limited access to the Tools menu, with the ability to     
    a) create and update  Note Templates     
    b) create and update  Form Templates in Form Designer
  • have access to the following sections of Client Profiles of ALL clients:     
    a) Profile - full access     
    b) Appointments - full access     
    c) Billing - partial access, only to Billing Setup, Insurance and Session Packs (without access to invoices) 
    d)  Admin - partial access to Manage (cannot reassign Preferred Practitioner and Users with Access, merge and delete client profiles); full access to Admin Notes, Files and Forms    
  • have access to the following sections of Client Profiles of the clients who have them set up as Preferred Practitioners or Users with Access (this is done via Client Profile → Admin → Manage):   
    d) Records - full access ** to Notes, Files, Forms, and Correspondence folders     
    e) Communication - full access     
  • have access to the  Help menu


** Only the Master User of an account has the ability to  unlock completed client Notes and Forms for further editing.

Level 3 - Adding Permissions to Work With Default Clients' Appointments And Billing

The following functionality may be added to the user permissions so that they can have the extended ability to work with their default clients' appointments and financial information, while still limiting their access to the other clients' confidential information and account management settings:

  • Edit Appointments: This feature enables a user to create new appointments and edit them in a calendar. If disabled, users can only access existing appointments.
  • Edit Appointments: Invoice Charges: If this feature is activated a user can edit the charges on an invoice. If disabled, a user is able to add and remove services to an invoice from the Appointment panel but is unable to edit the details of the invoice (eg changing quantity or value of items), nor receipt a payment against that invoice. 
  • Access Client Invoices and Payments: After enabling this feature, a user will be able to access their clients' invoices and payment history - and will also get the ability to process payments via Stripe (if you activated it). If disabled, the Sales and Payments page for that client will be disabled, along with access to a client’s Invoice and Payments page through their profile. 
  • Delete Appointments: This feature allows a user to delete appointments in their Power Diary calendar. If not enabled, users can update the appointment status to reflect cancellations.
  • Allow Draft Session Notes: This feature allows a user to save session notes as a draft status - and to view and edit it at leisure. If disabled, the user can only save session notes in locked status, which they won’t be able to edit. 
  • Allow User to Unlock Their Own Completed Notes: If this feature is made active, the user will be able to unlock completed client notes that the user created when logged in with their own username. If a note was created under a different username, only the Master User of the account will be able to unlock it for this user. 

Level 4 - Adding Permissions to Generate Client Lists and Reports

To allow the practitioner to generate client lists and reports, enable

  • Access all Reports: This feature lets users generate a complete report across all departments in your clinic such as financial reports, client reports, and system reports. This permission will also grant access to the Xero Export function.
  • Allow Client List Generation And Export: This feature allows users to view a client list generated using specific filters. In addition, users will also be able to export the lists to PDF, Excel, and more. If disabled, the user can only search for individual clients.

Level 5 - Adding Permissions to Allow Access to All Clients' Confidential Information and Correspondence

To provide the practitioner with access to confidential information and correspondence records of all the clients registered in the account, enable

  • Access All Clinical Client Notes/Forms: This feature lets a user access session notes for all clients in your Power Diary account - in all practitioners. If not enabled, your users can access only the session notes of the clients in the practitioner's calendar they are allowed to access based on their default practitioner. If this feature is turned off and no default practitioner is chosen, the user won’t be able to access any session notes at all.
  • Access all Client File Uploads: This feature lets the user view files attached to a client’s profile of  all practitioners. If disabled, they can only access files for their default calendar. If this feature is disabled and no calendar access is granted, users will not be able to access client file uploads at all. 
  • Access All Client Correspondence: If this feature is activated a user can view all saved communication your clients had with you via Power Diary. This includes SMS, emails, and letters. 
  • Can See All Tasks: If this feature is activated a user can see all Tasks. If disabled, a user is able to see the Tasks assigned to Anyone and to this user.

Level 6 - Adding Permissions to Allow Access to General Account Settings and Data Files

The following permissions will enable access to the general account settings and data:

  • Show All Appointments: When enabled, this feature allows a user to see all appointments and their details in all calendars. If disabled, a user can only see the details of their default practitioner, while appointments in other calendars will be greyed out. 
  • Access All Calendars: When this option is enabled, a user can access all practitioners' calendars in your Power Diary account. If not, a user can only access their default calendar. 
  • Communication Menu: This feature lets a user access your communication template including SMS and Email templates. In addition, the user can send bulk messages to your contacts database as well. Plus, if your account is connected to Mailchimp, the user can export your contacts to Mailchimp for email marketing purposes. 
  • Allow Database Export: By enabling this feature, a user can export your complete Power Diary database under Tools → Data Export. 
  • Setup and Configure Power Diary: This feature lets users access all settings under the Settings menu. In addition, the user can edit user permissions as well, except those of the master user. This permission will also allow the user to remove the content of SMS client replies, in Client Profile > Communication > Activity.


Why practitioners can see client details if they are not their clients?

A Power Diary subscription was designed to be allocated to a health practice business. That could mean that a practice has one practitioner or more, but they share the same subscription, so therefore, their clients' contact details are shared between them, for instance to avoid a client being booked to a different practitioner.
From a privacy perspective, it's acceptable to share non-sensitive information with staff within the same health practice.