Assigning Multiple Practitioners to a Client Profile

In addition to the client's primary practitioner, you can link multiple practitioners to a client's profile as "Assigned Practitioners". These are practitioners that can access the profile, and if their user profile has the "Clinical" access level they will be able to see the clinical records in the client's profile despite not having access to view the clinical records for all client profiles (this includes all items under Records in the profile - clinical notes, forms, file uploads, correspondence, and diagnoses). If you are using the client portal and restrict clients to only book with their practitioner, this will include the primary and all assigned practitioners of the client.

In this article: 

Adding Assigned Practitioners to Client Profiles

If clients receive treatment from more than one practitioner, you can assign the treating practitioners to their client profile in Power Diary. This will allow the practitioners access their clients profiles, including the clinical information recorded on the Records folder (clinical notes, forms, files and correspondence).

This will require the user permission 'Can Change Assigned Practitioners for all Clients', or you must be the account Master User to change these fields. Learn more about user permissions here

Here is how you can assign practitioners to client profiles:

1. Open a client profile > Admin > Manage page.

2. In the admin settings, click the dropdown next to the Assigned Practitioners

3. Select the practitioner(s) and save the changes.


Any user that has the practitioner listed as their default practitioner profile will thereby be able to access the client profiles where they are listed as the assigned practitioner (as with being a client's primary practitioner). To ensure the user has access to their assigned client's clinical records (clinical notes, forms, file uploads, correspondence, and diagnoses), you can grant their user profile the Access Level "Clinical". This is done via Settings > Team  > Users > User Management by editing the user and selecting their access level.


Using Assigned Practitioners Filter in Advanced Search

To filter a list of all clients that belong to an assigned practitioner you can use the advanced search.

1. Navigate to People > Clients > Advanced Search.

2. In the 'Assigned Practitioners' filter, select the practitioner(s). Run the search.

Allowing Clients Book Appointments With Their Primary and Assigned Practitioners

If you are using the client portal for online bookings and would like your clients to only book with their primary or assigned practitioners you can do so by disabling the setting "Clients can book with any practitioner". Otherwise, the clients can choose to book with any available practitioner.

1. Navigate to Settings > Schedule > Client Portal > Access and Settings.

2. If the 'Clients can book with any practitioner' switch is off, clients will be able to book appointments only with their preferred and assigned practitioners.