System Reports

Generate various reports in Power Diary for business management. Access and customize reports.

You can generate a range of additional reports to assist you to manage your business. To access additional reports go Reports → System. Click on the report you wish to generate, select the date range you are interested in and then run the report. Each report can be printed, exported to Excel for further analysis and custom reporting, or exported as a PDF. 

In this article:

Deleted Appointments

  • Provides a list of appointments that were booked in the reported period that were deleted.
  • Can be used to track a missing appointment and use Log to see activity for the appointment such as the date and time that it was deleted and by which user.
  • Includes client name, mobile, dairy of appointment, appointment date and time, appointment notes, appointment log

SMS Usage


A dedicated Toll-Free Number (TFN) is required to send/receive SMS messages in the USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Jamaica, Costa Rica, and Barbados. For more details, please click here

  • Displays all SMS charges for reminders and marketing SMS sent via Power Diary.
  • Use this report to view all SMS sent in the period.
  • Compare individual charges for the billed period. If comparing charges to your Power Diary invoice, tick 'Use UTC time' in order to see the exact SMS billed for the period.
  • Includes client name/mobile number, amount (charge per message), date and time sent, message content, appointment date and time (if relevant), reply received for that message, type of message (appointment reminder, marketing campaign, system forwarded, or plain (sent through the system manually), mode (manual refers to manually sent by a user, automatic refers to sent by the system).

Telehealth Plus+ Records

  • Provides a list of the Telehealth Plus+ sessions that were conducted within the selected time frame by selected practitioner(s); 
  • Displays appointments' start time and sessions duration;
  • Displays number of concurrent participants and total participant minutes; 
  • Displays cost per session and total cost for sessions provided within the selected time period. 

Recurring Expiry

  • Displays a list of recurring appointments that will expire after a particular date.
  • Filter by either client appointments, groups, or group participants.
  • Includes client name, email, mobile, date and time of the last appointment, recurring details, and a link to edit the recurring appointment (if wishing to extend).

Export Appointments

  • Generate a list of client, group and personal appointments for a period which can then be exported into a CSV file.
  • Includes calendar/practitioner, client name, mobile, appointment status, group name, appointment date and start and end times, invoice summary (service/product name), location of the appointment.

Marketing Logs

  • Displays a log file for all marketing campaign activity.
  • Use this to see what bulk sends have been performed in the period.
  • Includes description (including how many recipients), which user sent the campaign, and the date sent.

Recent Referrals

  • Summarises all referrals that have been made within the designated date range. 
  • Includes total billed amount for each referral source to see who your top referrers are. Group by Referrer Name to see total referrals and total amount billed for each referral. 
  • Filter by 'New Referrers Only' to view referrers that have made their first referral in that period.
  • Includes client name, client number, default calendar, referrer name, practice name, date referred, date client created, address, phone, email, the total amount invoiced/billed for that client.

Inactive Referrals

  • Displays all referrals who haven't referred a client within the designated date range.
  • Useful for capturing which referral sources require re-engagement.
  • Includes referrer name, practice name, address, phone, email, date of their last referral made, name of the last client referred.

Pack Expiry

  • A report on session packs that can be used to show all packs created or filtered to show packs created within a period, expiring within a period, or packs that have a set number of sessions remaining.
  • If you want to report on all session packs in the system, leave the filters blank and click 'Run Report'.
  • Includes the date the pack was created, date of expiry, client name, pack name, product name, sessions included, used and remaining in the pack, and the status of the pack (open or closed).

Hint 💡

You can use grouping and filtering to further refine report results. Learn how in the articles below.