Logging into Your Power Diary Account

Learn how to log in to Power Diary on any device.

You can log in to Power Diary on your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. Here's how: 


Here are the steps:

1. Open your web browser and type in my.powerdiary.com.

2. Type in your email address and password.



If you created your Power Diary account before June 2019, you should use the username, not your email address. Email us at support@powerdiary.com if you forgot the username. 

3. Click LOG IN.

That's it! You'll land on your Power Diary calendar. 

Pro-tip 💡

  • Click on the checkbox labelled 'Remember me?'Doing this will keep you logged even in after your close your browser. So when you type in my.powerdiary.com in your browser again, it will take you directly into your Power Diary account instead of the login page.
  • Note that if you log yourself out of your Power Diary account, your email and password will not be auto-filled at the login page - this is done and offered by your browser's password manager the first time you log in.

Forgot your email address/password?

Learn here how to reset your email address and/or password.