Automatic Statement Generation and Sending

Automate and customize monthly statements with Power Diary. Configure settings to auto-generate and email statements, or adjust individual client preferences with ease.

You can configure your account to automatically generate and email monthly statements to your clients on a specified date of the following month. Additionally, you can choose customized email templates to accompany the statement link. This feature can be disabled for clients who do not require monthly statements. 

In this article: 

Automatic Monthly Statements Settings 

In Power Diary, you can set up your monthly statements to be generated automatically on a specific day of the following month. Here is how

1. Go to Settings > Billing > Invoicing. 

2. On the right-hand side of the invoicing settings page, scroll down to the 'Statement Settings' section.

3. Toggle on the 'Enable Automatic Statement Generation' switch to enable this feature. 

4. Select the day of the following month you would like the Statement created. 

5. Toggle on 'Enable Automatic Emailing of Generated Statements' if you would like your Statements to be automatically sent to the client after they are created. 

6. Select the email template that includes the merge field {StatementPDFLink}* you would like be sent. The generated link will be valid for 7 days upon creation. 

*Important: The {StatementPDFLink} merge field is required to attach a Statement file in the email that is sent. You can find this merge field in the Available Merge fields list on the email template page. 

Here is a sample statement email template you can use to create your own template in Tools > Communication > Templates:

Message Type: Email
Name: "Statement Email" 
Description: "a template used to email Statements to clients" 
Email From Name: Your business name 
Email From Address: your contact email address that will be used as a From address 
Email Subject: "Your Monthly Statement"

"Dear {ClientFirstName}

We hope this message finds you well!

Attached to this email, you will find your monthly statement {StatementPDFLink} for the services provided at {BusinessName} in the previous month. 

If you have any questions about the statement or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us on {BusinessPhone}. 

Warm regards,
[enter your contact details]



7. Toggle on 'Enable Automatic Statements For All Clients' if you would like to turn on this setting for all clients. You can also update this setting per client in their client profile in their billing setup.  

8. Once all the settings are selected, click 'Save Changes'. 

Client Profile Monthly Statement Settings 

It is possible to modify a specific client's monthly statement settings if they are different from your account overall automatic settings. 

1. Go to the profile of the client that you would like to adjust the settings for > Billing > Billing setup. 

2. Toggle the settings off for 'Enable Automatic Statement Generation' if you would like to turn off statement generation so that monthly statements are not created for this client. Please note that both settings will turn off in this case. 

3. You may still have the automatic generation of a statement enabled for this client, but not select to email it automatically. To do so, toggle off 'Email Automatically Generated Statements'.

4. Click 'Save Changes'.