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Using Power Diary with Zoom Health (Telehealth)

30th March 2020 (Update)

We have now released native Telehealth functionality to Power Diary. You can start using it now plus it's totally free! Read more about how to get up and running with Telehealth here, along with articles about our second-to-none security features and more.

23rd March 2020

In the context of COVID-19, we've had a large number of enquiries about how to use Power Diary with Zoom.  To assist you with this, we've put a suggested workflow together for working with Zoom.   Please note that for health practices you will need to use the Zoom healthcare-compliant version. This can be expensive and is one of the reasons we developed our own Telehealth functionality.

If you are using Zoom though the following workflow may be useful:

Scheduling a Meeting
  1. Login to your Zoom account.
  2. Click 'Schedule Meeting'
  3. Enter details for the meeting:
    • Change the 'Topic' to the client's First name and Initial only.
    • Set the meeting date and time
    • Ensure Meeting ID is set to Generate Automatically.
    • Click Require Password and make a note of the password generated. 
    • Change Video for Host and Participant both to "On"


  4. Click Save.
  5. If you click on Meetings you'll now be able to see your scheduled meetings listed.  Copy the Meeting ID and the password into the Appointment (Comments) box in Power Diary.
When you're ready to start the meeting just click on the  Start button. And if you need to see the password for the meeting again, just click on the Client name listed in the Topic column.
Notifying Clients
First create an SMS communication template by going to Tools > Communication > Templates and create New. Add your template content. Here is an example:

 Next you can use this template to send to clients as follows:


  1. Click on the appointment in Power Diary and then click on the 'chat bubble' to open the SMS Panel for that client. 
  2. Select the template "Telehealth Meeting Details" and enter the Meeting ID and Password.
  3. Click Send.

Hints and Tips:

  • Use headphones for best sound and mic quality. The headphones that came with your phone are normally fine. They can usually be plugged straight into your computer.
  • When you or the user starts or joins a meeting you, they might be prompted to download a Zoom program. If you already have Zoom downloaded it will usually prompt you to open the program. Say yes to this - it is normal.
  • Be mindful of your background / environment and if at home make sure you won't be disturbed and that there won't be kids or others visible. 
  • Have your mobile / cell ready in case you need to call the client if they haven't joined the meeting.  Also have your mobile visible if you have set it to 'silent' mode, just in case your admin team are trying to reach you to advise of a problem at the client's end. (Naturally if making an outgoing call ensure you have blocked your number so the client does not see this.)